All of this information comes directly from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website.
If a parent or sole caregiver has COVID-19 Everyone in the home should practice everyday preventive actions. Those in the home who are sick with COVID-19 should follow CDC’s guidance for what to do if you are sick and when it is safe to end your isolation. If a child’s parent or caregiver is sick with COVID-19, follow the steps below to help protect the child from infection. Older children The child should avoid physical contact with the sick parent or caregiver until all sick people have ended their home isolation. For the child to safely have no interaction with the parent or caregiver, the child should be old enough to legally be home alone and mature enough to care for themselves. Younger children If the parent or sole caregiver will be caring for the child while sick, they should contact the child’s healthcare provider for advice on how to best protect the child from infection.
If your child is staying at home with you (the parent or caregiver who is sick), you should:
Children staying outside the home with a temporary caregiver If the child will stay outside of their own home with a temporary caregiver, the new caregiver should help the child to quarantine and do the following:
Note that symptoms of COVID-19 are not the same for everyone. For many people, being sick with COVID-19 would be similar to having the flu. Symptoms can include fever, cough, or having a hard time taking deep breaths. There is more information in the link below:
- Watch your child and see if they are showing any signs of COVID-19 illness
- Stress to your children the importance of washing hands, distancing from others, and wearing masks - Be a role model to your child by taking these same precautions - Encourage your child to get some form of exercise on a regular basis - Encourage your child to communicate with friends and family via phone call or video chat - Talk to your child about the pandemic and answer any questions they may have - Seperate your child from anyone who has COVID-19 or has an increased risk of getting it - Disinfect surfaces in household common areas (tables, chairs, doorknobs, remotes, desks, sinks, toilets, etc.) All of these tips are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). - Mire su niño y revise si está mostrando signos del virus COVID-19 - Enfatice a su niño la importancia de lavar las manos, distanciarse de otros, y usar mascarillas - Sea un modelo a seguir para su niño, tomando esas mismas precauciones - Amine a su niño a hacer algún tipo de ejercicio de forma regular - Anime a su niño a comunicarse con sus amigos y familiares vía teléfono o video chat - Hable con sus niños sobre la pandemia y responda cualquier pregunta que ellos tengan - Separe su niño de cualquier persona que tenga COVID-19 o ha incrementado los riesgos de adquirirlo - Desinfectar las superficies y areas comunes del hogar (mesas, sillas, cerraduras, control remoto, escritorios, baños, etc) Todos esos consejos vienen del Centro para Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) Click the links below for additional information. Siga el enlace de abajo para información adicional Here are some tips and things to consider if you are traveling within the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. All of this information is per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- Is the virus spreading where you are traveling? - Is it spreading within your community? - Do you have an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19? - Are you traveling with anyone who has an increased risk? - Do you live with anyone who has an increased risk? - Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth - Wash your hands often, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds. - Wear a mask when you are in public - Bus and air travel may not be safe because it may require being in close proximity with others for an extended period of time - Make sure to have hand sanitizer with you (at least 60% alcohol is recommended) - There is more information on the topic in the links below: - Está el virus expandiéndose donde usted está viajando? - Está espandiéndose en su comunidad? - Tiene un mayor riesgo de padecer enfermedades graves por el COVID-19? - Está usted viajando con alguien quien ha incrementado los riesgos? - Vive usted con alguien quien ha incrementado los riesgos? - Evitar tocarse los ojos, nariz y boca - Lavar sus manos con frecuencia, usando jabón y agua por al menos 20 segundos - Usar mascarilla cuando se encuentre en público - Viajar en buses y por aire quizás no sea seguro, porque se requiere estar próximo a otras personas por un período de tiempo extendido. - Asegúrece de tener desinfectante de manos (recomendado con al menos 60% de alcohol) Aquí tiene mas información sobre el tema en el enlace de abajo: |
September 2023
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